About Me

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TX, United States
I am: *A follower of Christ *A sister *A cRaZy friend *A member of High Pointe Baptist Church *A cadet in Air Force ROTC *A student at the University of Texas *A substitute teacher

Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Way!!! Thanks, God! ...my new life-song.

This is SO CRAZY! This has been on my heart for awhile- living with no regrets! Whether it be in my walk with Christ, or my academic, financial, and relational endeavors, I don't want to look back 10 minutes, 2 weeks or 5 years from "now", and wish I had've done something different. ("Something" being working harder, studying more efficiently, being nicer, seizing an opportunity...) I also don't want to take for granted ANYTHING that God has provided me- material possessions, career/educational opportunities, relationships. I want to carpe diem for God!

{And Lord, please guard me from false regrets, because guilt is definitely a tool that Satan uses to draw us away from You.}

I was trying to use my time wisely this Sunday morning (before you congratulate me, it's because I'm playing 'catch up' and procrastinated) and doing some work. While working, I started listening to some JJ Heller songs (quite calming and edifying) on Groove Shark and I heard a new one. I was listening haphazardly when I heard her sing, "When I go I want to be known as one who lived with no regrets." Dang!

I've found my life-song!

Fine. I'll share...

Video: http://www.godcares.tv/video/463/JJ-Heller-When-I-leave
Lyrics: http://www.sweetslyrics.com/362527.JJ%20Heller%20-%20When%20I%20Leave.html

Thank you, JJ Heller! ...and God! ;)